2013年12月4日 星期三

Mousotron 9.1 即時回報滑鼠狀態的小工具

Mousotron 能即時的提供下列滑鼠的相關狀態:執行多久、移動里程、按鍵次數(包括左、右鍵和鼠標中鍵的次數)、雙擊次數、滾輪的里程和目前X、Y座標…等等參數,是一個不錯的滑鼠小工具。


【官方網址】:Blacksun Software



     Mousotron is a mouse and keyboard activity monitor and keeps statistics of your mileage. It's like an odometer or tripometer for your mouse cursor.

     It calculates just how far your mouse cursor has traveled on your screen and how many times the mouse buttons were clicked. Also the number of keystrokes on your keyboard are counted.

Mousotron keeps track of the following statistics :
- Distance traveled
- Left, middle and right button clicks
- Double clicks
- Mousewheel scrolls
- Cursor Speed
- Number of keystrokes
- X and Y Coordinates