OCCT是電腦穩定性檢查工具,它內建了4個測試機制:CPU:OCCT、CPU:LINPACK、GPU:3D、POWER SUPPLY,旨在測試CPU,GPU和電源供應器。 OCCT監控溫度、電壓和風扇轉速,以及系統常項,如:CPU使用率、記憶體使用率和FPS(如果是3D測試)。
開啟時若出現英文介面,請由功能表「Monitoring Options」(藍色箭頭所指處)→「Language」→「正體中文」來切換成中文語系。
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.Monitoring Engine updated (should support everything that is out there !)
.Usual bugfixes to the main UI
.OCCT will now start normally in Windows Fail-safe mode
.You can now specify how many thread CPU:OCCT will use
.Fixed all issues with Windows 8 compatibility (was related to DX10 support in Windows 8, which is not what you would expect)
.Huge performance improvements
.Complete rewrite of GPU:3D in DX11
.Fixed all issues with Windows 8 compatibility (was related to DX10 support in Windows 8, which is not what you would expect)
.Huge performance improvements
.Translations updated ( some are still missing - the update is scheduled soon)