HeavyLoad 提供您電腦一些壓力測試功能,如:CPU、GPU、硬碟與記憶體等等,可分開測試也可同時進行測試,並且提供圖形化的界面,讓您一目了然。
【官方網址】:JAM Software
Bring your PC to its limits with the freeware stress test tool
HeavyLoad. HeavyLoad puts your workstation or server PC under a heavy
load and lets you test whether they will still run reliably.
The individual test methods employed by HeavyLoad can be customized to
fit your needs. On a system featuring multiple processor cores, for
example, you can select how many of the available cores shall be used or
set the speed in which the test file is to be written on your hard
Stress CPU
Use your processor or even a specific number of processor cores to full
capacity. HeavyLoad performs complex calculations to simulate the load
on your processor.
Write Test File
Check how your system behaves when faced with dwindling disk space.
HeavyLoad writes a test file to your hard disk with variable speed. You
can define the amount of remaining disk space; once this limit is
reached, HeavyLoad overwrites the file again and again until more disk
space is freed up.
Allocate Memory
You would like to test how well your computer works with scarce memory?
HeavyLoad can help: it reserves memory and even allows you to define how
much memory should be kept free and how fast the memory should be
Simulate Disc Accesses
How much can your hard disk take? Is it reliable? With a combination of
HeavyLoad and the scan function of TreeSize Free , you can find out
today. HeavyLoad simulates a number of hits on files and folders on all
local disks.
Stress GPU
How does your graphics card handle stress? With HeavyLoad you can
utilize your graphics card processor to capacity. HeavyLoad employs a 3D
rendered graphic to simulate a high load on the GPU.
Use HeavyLoad everywhere
Be mobile: Install HeavyLoad as a portable version e.g. on a USB stick and use it wherever needed!